Re: Adding new details to a running cayenne persistence system

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Sep 15 2005 - 07:36:45 EDT

  • Next message: Jeff de Vries: "To-many relationship while specifying additional constraints?"

    Yes, you can do that. There is API to add/modify mapping objects in
    runtime. Without going too deep into details, DataDomain would be the
    place to start. E.g. DataDomain.addMap(DataMap) and so on.


    On Sep 15, 2005, at 5:00 AM, Benjamin Podszun wrote:

    > Hash: SHA1
    > Hi there.
    > I'm very new to cayenne. I read (most of) the docs online and some
    > samples, but I still have a specific question that might be obvious
    > (I just read yet, didn't start a cayenne project) but is quite
    > crucial for my course of development:
    > I'm currently building a web application that supports modules.
    > That is: I want to enhance the web application by loading a custom
    > jar without any downtime. Every module should be allowed to add
    > something to the datastore. Say, an addressbook would add a
    > "contact" to the database.
    > I'm coming from hibernate and I've great headaches trying to build
    > something like that with the framework, so my question boils down
    > to: "Can I tell cayenne to include this new data object X, for
    > which I've to modify/enhance the schema of course, while it runs?"
    > Any help would be great here..
    > Thanks in advance,
    > Ben
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