Re: Feedback regarding Cayenne vs Hibernate

From: Gili (
Date: Thu Sep 15 2005 - 15:39:59 EDT

  • Next message: Robert Zeigler: "Re: Feedback regarding Cayenne vs Hibernate"

    Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > On Sep 15, 2005, at 3:08 PM, Gili wrote:
    >> Coming from a Hibernate background ...
    > But this is exactly where your usability complaints are coming from.
    > You are porting an existing application written with a different
    > underlying design philosophy. Nobody ever claimed that *porting from
    > Hibernate* is easy.

            Yes and no. This is true for why I was complaining about how unobvious
    it was to flush the context cache but it isn't true for other aspects of
    the API I'm not so crazy about.

            For the most part I think I can be appeased by adding a more
    task-oriented documentation similar to the XStream "two minute

            If you give me Wiki access I can add a huge bunch of those... but you
    guys still need to be open to API changes :) As I was mentioning to Mike
    a few minutes ago, I consider query caching to be a very problematic
    feature (I've totally disabled it for now). As a new user I fired up the
    modeler, created some queries and when I saw the query caching option I
    enabled it because "heck, who wouldn't want caching?" only to find out
    much later on that huge implications of that setting. The documentation
    should have mentioned in big bold letters the implications of this
    setting :)

            Can you please add a new API for selectively flushing query cached
    results? i.e. query.invalidateResults() would flush "local" or "shared"
    cache results.


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