I have a need to run a query that is more complicated than anything
I've tried in SQL, and I have no idea how to do it in Cayenne, so I
was hoping someone could help me out.
We're trying to display a list of students who are absent from (a
portion of) a teacher's class (which is called Section to avoid
confusion with java.lang.Class).
User is the class for students, it is linked to some Sections and
Section is the class for a teacher's class, it has a start and end
time and a getStudents() method
Absence is the class for an absence, it has a start and end time (say
if a student leaves for a doctor's appt and comes back to school) and
a User who's absent.
I need a list of all Users in a given Section who have an associated
Absence which overlaps with the time of that Section.
If I need to be more specific, let me know. If I need to beg more,
also let me know. :-)
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