Beginners Problem

From: Korbinian Bachl (
Date: Wed Oct 26 2005 - 09:14:36 EDT

  • Next message: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\): "RE: Tapestry integration"

    Hi All,

    I'm new to Cayenne. First it was running best way i could imagine - i
    downloaded it, startet modeller, reversed engineered a dev-DB (nothing big -
    35 tables) and was ready within some Minutes and had my Java Classes

    (compared to Hibernate astonishing easy and really RAD like)

    However, ive come to a problem when i tried to import these classes into
    eclipse (namely I use Myeclipse Workbench 4).

    I startet a Webproject there and then imported the classes - and got over
    100's of missing errors. Sure i thought, and imported the cayenne.jar, wich
    decreased the some 100's of missing errors but still 100 type errors were
    there - mainly errors like

    ArtikelSets cannot be resolved to a type
    line 107
    26. Oktober 2005 15:05:51 3576

    Which i get for a couple of times for every table (e.g.: Artikel is a table)

    So i thought i misdid something and imported the cayenne example_1.3.b (all
    examples) - there were no type errors, but i get a

    "Severity Description Resource In Folder Location
    Creation Time Id
    2 Project aggregate-functions is missing required Java project:
    'cayenne' aggregate-functions 26. Oktober 2005
    15:09:19 3658"


    So i want to kindly ask if anyone has just a small Cayenne-Tapestry-WebApp
    skeleton for me, so i can see how everything has to be...



    PS: is there any doc beside the doc on the cayenne Website ? (would be great
    if is sth to print like PDF)

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