Re: Tapestry integration

From: Borut Bolčin (
Date: Thu Oct 27 2005 - 12:47:05 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Serializing Expressions from XML"

    Robert thanks for your explanations, they were (and will be) useful. Can
    I ask for another design pattern?

    I will try to be as short an as descriptive. The 2 page T4 web app has to:

       1. Display a set of RadioGroups each with three radio buttons (each
          representing an answer to some question), two input TextFields
          (email and some serial number) and a submit button.
       2. Based on email and this number user has entered, a db look-up must
          be performed (with Cayenne of course) to check if this "user" has
          already put something into the database. Session must NOT be
          created on the first page.
       3. If "user" already exists (he/she already answered this or previous
          week's questions), display his/her personal data on next page for
          editing. When user is satisfied with his personal data, submit and
          end. That's it.
       4. If "user" does not exists, take him/her to the next page with the
          same input fields, but empty this time. When ok, submit and finish.
       5. In any case store a set of this week's answers.

    So this is all I want to do. I don't want a session to be created as I
    am afraid of the server resources (or is this session thing a myth?). I
    am expecting no less than 2.500.000 visits in one month period, so
    that's quite some number even in one minute. As I am learning T4 and
    Cayenne at the same time, I am not sure how to do it right and I only
    have one week to do it. I see T4 has client side persistance, maybe
    something in that direction. Can you please advise?

    Many thanks!

    Robert Zeigler wrote:

    >Glad to hear my ramblings were useful. :)
    >Also note that the "squeezers" are used (by default) in hidden form
    ><input type="hidden" jwcid=..idden" value="ognl:myObject"/>
    >Using the custom squeeze adapter let's you do myObject and have your
    >form be happy,
    >instead of having to store the key and then implement a listener for the
    >field to restore the object manually.
    >Also, in tp4, the table, for, if and else components rely (by default;
    >this behavior can be changed) on squeezers to "do their thing" in
    >ensuring "safe" rewind, etc.
    >There may be others places, as well, but these are all the places I'm
    >aware of.
    >Gentry, Michael (Contractor) wrote:

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