Re: Modeler - Names at singular after reverse engineering?

From: Ahmed Mohombe (
Date: Sun Nov 20 2005 - 10:12:12 EST

  • Next message: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\): "RE: Re: Modeler - Names at singular after reverse engineering?"

    > While it sounds neat, it's really not that much work (you only have to
    > do it once) and it could be a lot of work (we'd have to include all
    > kinds of special exemptions) and it would be for English only.
    Well, it is much work, and as I mentioned in my post, because of bugs in Modeler,
    I need to do it all the time the DB is changing, cause "overwriting" doesn't work well,
    and only "first time" reverse engineering is delivering a nice and clean recognition/mapping.

    > For example, what if you have an Address table? Does it make the Java
    > class Addres? I suppose you could argue that the list of tables that
    > would end in an "s" are fewer than those that wouldn't.
    The idea is to use a NLP library that knows such things, and just use it.
    IMHO this is not much work.

    Besides, as I mentioned, it must not be perfect: it's good enough if it does for the 95% of
    the words - it's still way more than doing the entire thing manually.


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