Oracle, CHARs and RTRIM in 1.2

From: Williams, Alex (
Date: Tue Nov 22 2005 - 08:37:06 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Oracle, CHARs and RTRIM in 1.2"


    I'm new to Cayenne. I'm using 1.2M7 and I'm really enjoying it so far.

    I've created a model against an existing Oracle 9.2 database. I have a table which includes some CHAR columns. When I perform selects, the resulting attributes are padded with spaces. When I try and perform an exact match query against one of these columns, it fails to find a match (because the sql doesn't include an RTRIM).

    I searched google and found references to the fact that, in Cayenne, the sql generated by the Oracle adaptor will perform an RTRIM on CHAR columns. Is this still the case? Is this behaviour configurable somehow? I understand that I could use SQLTemplate, but I'd rather only write SQL when it is a necessary evil (I have an EOF background by the way).

    In my model, the column for StaffMember.hrNumber is defined as CHAR(8).

    For the following code:
      Expression e = ExpressionFactory.matchExp("hrNumber", '123456');
      SelectQuery q = new SelectQuery(StaffMember.class, e);
      List results = inDataContext.performQuery(q);

    QueryLogger shows:
      ? [bind: '123456'] - prepared in 15 ms.
      INFO QueryLogger: === returned 0 rows. - took 78 ms.

    HRNUMBER and USERNAME are CHAR columns. However, there are no RTRIMs. How do I configure things so the generated sql is:

      WHERE RTRIM(t0.HRNUMBER) = ? [bind: '123456'] - prepared in 15 ms.

    I have no control over the database schema, so I can't simply switch to VARCHAR as I would like to. I understand that there may be performance implications to using RTRIM in the where clause. It probably makes things worse that HRNUMBER is the PK for this table. However, at least I only require read-only access to this db.

    Any tips would be very gratefully received.


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