Re: OutOFMemory Java heap exeception

From: Oscar Maire-Richard (
Date: Fri Dec 23 2005 - 05:11:42 EST

  • Next message: "İlgi:Re:OutOFMemory Java heap exeception"

    I am also having problems with the heap memory. A first thing to do is
    to start the java virtual machine with a bigger heap size than the
    default. I use -Xms256m -Xmx256m. This helps with garbage collection or
    if you manage very big sized objects, but I think that your problem is
    that you have a lot of alive objects in memory.
    I reported yesterday a similar problem (look for subject "heap memory
    not released") and people propose to me to try a couple of workarounds:
    - To use multiple DataContext and dispose them when no needed.
    - To throw away committed objects from the ObjectStore.

    Oscar Maire-Richard wrote:

    >I want to transfer database records from one db to another.
    >Transfer size nearly 5000 data and this each data has nearly 1000 relational
    >---->I firstly try the Paged query like :
    >public static List getPersonels(){
    >SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(Personel.class);
    >return context.performQuery(query);
    >this method run of the first nearly 900 count of personel class but personel
    >object has 2000 rows.
    >------>Then I try the ResultIterator like :
    >public SelectQuery getPersonels(){
    >SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(Personel.class);
    >return query;
    >used below class
    >public static void transferPersonels(){
    >SelectQuery oldDbItems =;
    >ResultIterator it = null;
    >try {
    >it =;
    >while(it.hasNextRow()) {
    >Map row = it.nextDataRow();
    > oldDbItem = (
    > newDbItem = (
    >CopyOfPersonel) context.createAndRegisterNewObject("Personel");
    >PersonelIdentity newIdent = PersonelIdentity.transferPersonelIdentity
    >Card card = Card.transferPersonelCard(oldDbItem);
    > daire =
    >String deptName = null;
    >if(daire != null)
    >deptName = daire.getDaireName();
    >Department dept = Department.getDepartment(deptName);
    > görev =
    >String jobName = null;
    >if(görev != null)
    >jobName = görev.getGorevName();
    >Job job = Job.getJob(jobName);
    > bolum =
    >String sectionName = null;
    >if(bolum != null)
    >sectionName = bolum.getBolumName();
    >Section section = Section.getSection(sectionName);
    > unvan =
    >String titleName = null;
    >if(unvan !=null)
    >titleName = unvan.getUnvanName();
    >Title title = Title.getTitle(titleName);
    > group =
    >String groupName = null;
    >if(group != null)
    >groupName = group.getGroupName();
    >Vehicle vehicle = Vehicle.getVehicle(oldDbItem);
    >newDbItem.setDeleted(new Boolean(false));
    >}catch (Exception e){
    >catch(CayenneException ex) {
    >finally {
    >try {
    >}catch(CayenneException closeEx) {
    >this time I get an error of cayenne for connection timeout.
    >I guess this is caused by other querys in transferPersonels() metod.
    >How can I solve the out of memory problem..
    >Thanks for help...

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