Setting the context to null is unlikely to help... it is probably
bound to the thread.
You will at least need:
dataContext = null;
If you have any objects that are holding onto other references to the
DataContext or *any other Cayenne-controlled objects in the context*,
you must null them as well. A single reference will prevent the
DataContext from getting collected. To help this process along, I
often do a dataContext.rollbackChanges() before discarding, though I'm
not convinced its in any way helpful. It certainly makes me feel
better though. :)
> context.getObjectStore().getDataRowCache().clear();
> context.unregisterObjects(context.newObjects());
> context.unregisterObjects(context.deletedObjects());
> context.unregisterObjects(context.modifiedObjects());
> System.gc();
As far as this goes... the first and most important point is that you
should not call System.gc(). This is really intended for debugging /
test environments. Each JVM can choose whether or not to even
implement this call, and the ones that do do not guarantee a gc will
happen every time you call it.. particularly at peak performance
times. Therefore any problem that is solved by adding this call is not
actually solved at all.
context.unregisterObjects(context.getObjectStore().getObjects()) is
actually what you want.
This *will* reduce memory consumption if the object references are
removed, but as mentioned by others, its probably better to discard
the context anyway to get rid of datarow and querymap caching.
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