With previous releases of Cayenne (1.2M4 and earlier), we were able to
call Ordering.orderList(list) even with a list of plain old Maps. We
were being a bit lazy but it sure was convenient. It worked even though
a Map isn't a JavaBean-compliant object.
Now we're upgrading to 1.2M10 and that no longer works. We get this trace:
org.objectstyle.cayenne.exp.ExpressionException: [v.1.2-dev January 2 2006]
Error evaluating expression 'nic'
expressionString: nic
unlabeledMessage: Error evaluating expression 'nic'
... 8 of these ...
Now, obviously we can write our own code to call Collections.sort() and
such things. But first I thought I'd ask if this makes sense with recent
changes in Cayenne. I didn't see anything obvious in the release notes.
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