I want to be able to use a primary key in expressions. I see there are two
possible ways of doing this. The first is to prefix the column name with
'db:'. The second is to set up another mapping in my map file from an
objentity to the existing dbentity.
Which is the best way?
If I set up another mapping would I be able to simplify the following code:
public Long getItemTypeId() {
return (getObjectId() != null && !getObjectId().isTemporary())
: null;
to this:
public String getItemTypeId() {
return (String)readProperty(ITEM_TYPE_ID_PK_COLUMN);
And while I'm looking at this code why doesn't the generated code for normal
properties use the constants i.e.
public static final String DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY = "description";
public String getDescription() {
return (String)readProperty("description");
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