Cris Daniluk wrote:
>> SerialVersionUID's do not change each time you compile a class - they
>> are calculated by the JVM based on various aspects of the class that may
>> affect it's serialization compatibility. So, if you don't change a class
>> and you're using the same JVM, the class's calculated serialVersionUID
>> will not change between builds.
> Nobody said they would.... though there are lots of bugs in past JDKs
> where it could happen.
I was responding to your statement that a calculated serialVersionUID
will change every time a class is recompiled:
In general, you don't need a serialVersionUID.. however if
you don't have one, it will change every time the class is recompiled
(and further change between certain JVMs, but that's another issue).
>> If you declare a serialVersionUID, you should do it in your domain
>> classes rather than on Cayenne's generated superclasses
> Actually, every class in the ancestry must have a matching
> serialVersionUID, not just the base class. Thus, if the Cayenne
> classes changed in the modeler, you would have an incompatibility
> regardless of the serialVersionUID in the wrapper class. In fact if
> your wrappers are empty, the serialVersionUID you declare there is
> utterly meaningless.
> It is pretty easy to demonstrate this..
Yes, absolutely - it's been awhile since I've had to worry about
serialization compatibility. I guess this goes to your point about it
being a complex subject ;)
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