I discussed this some time ago ...
For my point of view it would be helpful having ObjAttributes
with no DbAttribute. As far as I know, this is handled by cayenne,
like in WebObject, with getters in the BusinessObject.
For abstract access types, like jxpath, this is OK, but
if a new member enters the team, it would be helpful to
have all Business-Attributes shown in the data-modeler.
Even tools like ant, could easier do their job controlled
by the repository.
To have that kind of transient attributes would help me a lot.
2006/2/15, Bruce Alspaugh <compulinklt..mail.com>:
> I would like to be able to add a computed field to my displays that would be
> based on the other attributes in that table row. For example, a line total
> that is the item price times the item count plus the tax and shipping for
> that item. I'm probably making this way too complicated.
> When I use the DVModeler, I noticed that my only options are "nocalc" and
> "lookup." It would be handy to have a "calc" option for computed fields
> where I could put the formula in. I suppose I could use Cayenne Modeler to
> generate the base Java classes, and then add the attribute to the derived
> class. The problem is that since it was added by hand, the computed field
> is not in the XML generated by the Modeler, which means it won't be picked
> up by the DVModeler and I can't add it to a DataView.
> If I could add a user-defined ObjAttribute in the Modeler, it could generate
> a "stub" for it when I generate Java classes that I could fill in by hand. I
> could then add formatting, caption, etc. in DVModeler.
> What is the recommended way to handle this?
> Bruce
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