Re: pumping data: mssql->pgsql

From: Tomi NA (
Date: Thu Feb 16 2006 - 15:01:31 EST

  • Next message: Tomi NA: "username/password in node xml definition"

    On 2/16/06, Tore Halset <> wrote:
    > On Feb 16, 2006, at 15:33, Tomi NA wrote:
    > > Really? It'll transfer keys to the target database, even though
    > > only the basic table structure in the target database is defined?
    > Cayenne can be used to generate constraints for primary key and
    > forreign key if that info are defined in the cayenne model.
    > db.html

    I completely forgot about that....thanks. I can even script it if I want

    The model does not store info about additional indexes, but there are
    > at least one other person who wants it :)

    Well, now there's two. Plus Andrus. :)
    Still, it's not a major issue at the moment.

    Well, cayenne dataport is realy nice. You should check it out.

    This is probably going to sound downright silly, do you execute
    the dataport? I should just drop something like

    <taskdef name="cdataport"
         <classpath refid="classpath"/>
    <cdataport projectFile="subdir/cayenne.xml" srcNode="ProductionNode"
    destNode="DevNode" excludeTables="BILL_*"/>

    into an xml file and give the command ant cdataport? Glimpsing at ant
    on-line documentation, it seems I'd have to add code arround the above
    snippet - don't have a clue as to what, I'm sorry to say. Given a folder
    containing cayenne.xml, node and map files, what is the minimum ant
    definition that would allow using cdataport?
    It could be contributed to
    at some point.


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