On 2/20/06, Cris Daniluk <cris.danilu..mail.com> wrote:
> Oh :)
> I was entirely under the impression that this was a webapp :) Tomcat
> will not do anything to help you. You *have* to keep the connection
> data on the client app... there's just no getting around it. If you
> were to serve it out of an LDAP store, you'd still need to secure that
> LDAP store with a password that the client has.
I was hoping to implement the following scenario:
- user starts app
- user enters username/password
- app gets a Datasource from a JNDI source using the provided login info
- cayenne gets a Datasource to work it's magic
- user get's to work.
How does MSSQL implement it's security model? As I understand it, it uses
information about users stored in the domain (in my case, maybe LDAP) and
gets a relevant datasource that way. It's very similar to what I'm trying to
Obviously, I'm looking to avoid having to create database level users as
this has a number of drawbacks, most prominently, database management: I'd
like to extract the authentication out of the database.
...I think I'll give the whole problem a rest for a couple of days, let it
settle down and concentrate on other problems in the meantime.
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