RE: Validation error that shouldn't be (I don't think)

From: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\) ("Gentry,)
Date: Tue Feb 21 2006 - 11:15:48 EST

  • Next message: Todd O'Bryan: "Re: Validation error that shouldn't be (I don't think)"

    Todd, are you using T3 or T4? Your session is serializable, right?



    -----Original Message-----
    From: Todd O'Bryan []
    Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 6:53 AM
    Subject: Re: Validation error that shouldn't be (I don't think)

    OK. I'm's the whole code for the method that's causing
    the problem, along with the exception iterator that Andrus suggested
    at the bottom, and a few other print statements sprinkled throughout.
    I should emphasize that, if I include the if statement that's
    commented out, this works. (Note also that the dbQuestions are always
    null; I haven't even *started* testing the else.

            public void commitToDb(DataContext dc) {
                    /*if (getAuthor().getPersistenceState() ==
    PersistenceState.HOLLOW) {
                    try {
                    if (dbQuestion == null) {
                            // create new one
                            dbQuestion = (ObQuestion)
    dbQuestion.addToData(ObQuestionDatum.createNew(dc, TEXT, getText
    (), null));
    dbQuestion.addToData(ObQuestionDatum.createNew(dc, EXPLANATION,
    getExplanation(), null));
    dbQuestion.addToData(ObQuestionDatum.createNew(dc, CORRECT_NUMBER,
    null, getCorrectNumber()));
                            for (int i = 0; i < getChoices().length; i++) {
    dbQuestion.addToData(ObQuestionDatum.createNew(dc, CHOICES,
    getChoices()[i], i));
                    } else {
                            //update the one we've got
                            List<ObQuestionDatum> dbChoices =
                            for (ObQuestionDatum choice : dbChoices) {
                    dbQuestion.setLastModified(new Date());
                    } catch (ValidationException e) {
                            Iterator it =
                            while(it.hasNext()) {
                              ValidationFailure f = (ValidationFailure);
                              Object source = f.getSource();


    Here are the results of the print statements, with labels:

    This is the first print, the result of getAuthor()
    {<ObjectId:User, id=221>; hollow; []}

    This is getAuthor() after setting the value in the database
    {<ObjectId:User, id=221>; new; [toUserPages=>?; organizations=>?;
    studentSections=>?; toOutMessages=>?; exchanges=>?; toAssignments=>?;
    teacherSections=>?; files=>?; toSkins=>?; groups=>?;
    studentForums=>?; obligations=>?; toInMessages=>?; toGrades=>?;
    toTardys=>?; absences=>?; teacherForums=>?; messages=>?; toAnswers=>?]}

    These are all the problems from iterating through the
    {<ObjectId:User, id=221>; new; [toUserPages=>?; organizations=>?;
    studentSections=>?; toOutMessages=>?; exchanges=>?; toAssignments=>?;
    teacherSections=>?; files=>?; toSkins=>?; groups=>?;
    studentForums=>?; obligations=>?; toInMessages=>?; toGrades=>?;
    toTardys=>?; absences=>?; teacherForums=>?; messages=>?; toAnswers=>?]}
    {<ObjectId:User, id=221>; new; [toUserPages=>?; organizations=>?;
    studentSections=>?; toOutMessages=>?; exchanges=>?; toAssignments=>?;
    teacherSections=>?; files=>?; toSkins=>?; groups=>?;
    studentForums=>?; obligations=>?; toInMessages=>?; toGrades=>?;
    toTardys=>?; absences=>?; teacherForums=>?; messages=>?; toAnswers=>?]}
    {<ObjectId:User, id=221>; new; [toUserPages=>?; organizations=>?;
    studentSections=>?; toOutMessages=>?; exchanges=>?; toAssignments=>?;
    teacherSections=>?; files=>?; toSkins=>?; groups=>?;
    studentForums=>?; obligations=>?; toInMessages=>?; toGrades=>?;
    toTardys=>?; absences=>?; teacherForums=>?; messages=>?; toAnswers=>?]}
    {<ObjectId:User, id=221>; new; [toUserPages=>?; organizations=>?;
    studentSections=>?; toOutMessages=>?; exchanges=>?; toAssignments=>?;
    teacherSections=>?; files=>?; toSkins=>?; groups=>?;
    studentForums=>?; obligations=>?; toInMessages=>?; toGrades=>?;
    toTardys=>?; absences=>?; teacherForums=>?; messages=>?; toAnswers=>?]}
    {<ObjectId:User, id=221>; new; [toUserPages=>?; organizations=>?;
    studentSections=>?; toOutMessages=>?; exchanges=>?; toAssignments=>?;
    teacherSections=>?; files=>?; toSkins=>?; groups=>?;
    studentForums=>?; obligations=>?; toInMessages=>?; toGrades=>?;
    toTardys=>?; absences=>?; teacherForums=>?; messages=>?; toAnswers=>?]}
    {<ObjectId:User, id=221>; new; [toUserPages=>?; organizations=>?;
    studentSections=>?; toOutMessages=>?; exchanges=>?; toAssignments=>?;
    teacherSections=>?; files=>?; toSkins=>?; groups=>?;
    studentForums=>?; obligations=>?; toInMessages=>?; toGrades=>?;
    toTardys=>?; absences=>?; teacherForums=>?; messages=>?; toAnswers=>?]}

    As I look at the code, could the problem be that the author and the
    dbQuestion are in different DataContexts? If so, I thought I'd get an
    error about not being able to set getAuthor() as a relationship, but
    that would explain why refetching into this DataContext works. (As I
    said before, the DataContext is stored as a Session variable per
    user, so I can't figure out how I'm getting multiple DataContexts for
    one user.)

    What am I doing wrong?????


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