Re: reverse engineering a postgresql database: no relationships detected?

From: Tomi NA (
Date: Sat Mar 11 2006 - 09:54:05 EST

  • Next message: WONDER: "Re: reverse engineering a postgresql database: no relationships detected?"

    On 3/10/06, Cris Daniluk < > wrote:
    > There's some sketchy documentation of this issue:
    > However, the JDBC driver project is run in a bit of a vacuum, so its hard
    > to say if any good would come from telling them. Most likely, we'll have to
    > submit a patch to them, or workaround in Cayenne.

    The first problem is possibly related to what we're talking about: the
    second is not (there are no composite keys of any sort in my database).
    I've asked on the pgsql-jdbc mailing list if someone there knew anything
    about this. The response couldn't have been any different, really, as I
    can't provide any real details:
    "If you can get some info about exactly what the postgresql driver is
    returning that is incorrect or not what cayenne expects, then you might
    make some progress.. Otherwise this is a bit vague."

    The complete thread is available at

    Can someone provide more precise information so that the jdbc developers
    could get a better idea of what the problem is?


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