Re: Double Model in frameworks and application

From: WONDER (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2006 - 19:08:49 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Double Model in frameworks and application"

    In Short,
    One Application can have only one Cayenne Model.
    Ok. What about framewokrs? not allowed to have thier Cayenne Model(s)?

      ----- Original Message -----
      From: WONDER
      Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 12:16 AM
      Subject: Double Model in frameworks and application

      I have the following situation:

      A framework "myFramework", this has:
              1. myFramework.BaseClass
              2. Includs a Cayenne Model "myErrorCayenne"// its in the CLASSPATH of the framework
              3. static class myFramework.ErrorClass.

      An application "myApplication", this has:
              1. Its own Cayenne Model "myApplicationCayenne".
              2. Class myApplication.BaseClass extends myFramework.BaseClass,
              3. Class myApplication.BaseClass uses the static class myFramework.ErrorClass.

      public class myFramework.ErrorClass
          public list static myErrors()
              Configuration conf = Configuration.getSharedConfiguration();
              domain = conf.getDomain("myErrorCayenne");
              // Debuger displays the name "myApplicationCayenne".
              // "myErrorCayenne" is not visible here.
      return xx;
      public class myFramework.BaseClass
          public myFramework.BaseClass(String domainName)
              Configuration conf = Configuration.getSharedConfiguration();
              domain = conf.getDomain(domainName);
              // Debuger displays the name "myApplicationCayenne".
      public class myApplication.BaseClass extends myFramework.BaseClass
          public myApplication.BaseClass()
              super("myApplicationCayenne"); // This goes well

          public myMethod()
              List errors = myFramework.ErrorClass.myErrors(); // This doesnt work.


      So my problem is getSharedConfiguration once work and another not.

      My question: How can I tell Cayenne to get the Configurations in the static method myFramework.ErrorClass.myErrors(); to use the framewokr Configurations and -->> the Cayenne file in the Framework "myErrorCayenne".

      I hope i could explain the problem.


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