I'm using M11. I found that objects on the "one" side of many to one
relationships are not fetched correctly. Could someone confirm ? I
have a feeling that there is something wrong with my project ...
SelectQuery query1 = new SelectQuery(CCompany.class,
ExpressionFactory.matchExp(CCompany.NAME_PROPERTY, "test company"));
SelectQuery query2 = new SelectQuery(CPerson.class,
ExpressionFactory.matchExp(CPerson.NAME_PROPERTY, "test person"));
List list = context1.performQuery(query1);
if (list.size() == 1) {
CCompany company = (CCompany)list.get(0);
logger.info("got company : " + company);
List list2 = context.performQuery(query2);
if (list2.size() > 0) {
CPerson person = (CPerson)list2.get(0);
logger.info("got person : " + person);
List list2 = context2.performQuery(query2);
if (list2.size() > 0) {
CPerson person = (CPerson)list2.get(0);
logger.info("got person : " + person);
logger.info("with company : " + person.getCompany()); // null
company fetched. (No sql is executed either)
but reverse relationship works !
list = context3.performQuery(query1);
if (list.size() == 1) {
CCompany lang = (CCompany)list.get(0);
logger.info("got company " + company);
for (int i =0;i< company.people().size();i++) {
logger.info("CPerson "+i+" "+((CPerson)company.people().get
(i))); //works (and this line cause sql select)
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