Re: Custom select string for Expressions?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Mar 30 2006 - 05:37:34 EST

  • Next message: Tobias SCHOESSLER: "Re: Custom select string for Expressions?"

    Don't know Informix details, but generally DbAdapter takes care of
    that in a db-specific manner. Our Informix adapter effort got stuck
    for now [1]. So I suggest to first check whether
    ExpressionFactpry.likeIgnoreCaseExp() works. If it doesn't, you have
    two choices - customize the adapter for Informix or use SQLTemplate.


    * [1]

    On Mar 30, 2006, at 2:24 PM, I. Venuti wrote:

    > I think that also for specify "lower( strField) like $what" I
    > should use SQLTemplate, is it correct?
    > I'm askig becouse I use Informix as database server and I must
    > express that "like" operation should be done in a case-insensitive
    > manner...
    > Thanks
    > -- Ivan
    > Andrus Adamchik ha scritto:
    >> Hi Tobias,
    >> Unfortunately mixing expressions and aggregate syntax is not
    >> possible. You'd have to use SQLTemplate.
    >> Andrus
    >> On Mar 29, 2006, at 11:09 AM, Tobias SCHOESSLER wrote:
    >>> I like cayenne expressions a lot, instead of writing complex
    >>> joins in sql
    >>> these path expressions are very handy. Though I haven't found a
    >>> way to
    >>> express things I use to have in the SELECT part of an SQL
    >>> statement. When I
    >>> need distinct values, aggregations. how can I do things like SELECT
    >>> DISTINCT ... SUM(), etc.
    >>> Ideally I would like to use path Expression to define my select
    >>> but apply
    >>> my own SELECT string for the execution. Is that possible?
    >>> thanks
    >>> Tobias
    >>> ______________________________________
    >>> Tobias Schoessler, Java Developer
    >>> Information Management Unit
    >>> Information Technology Service
    >>> United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
    >>> Tel: (+43-1) 26060-5173
    >>> Websites:,
    >>> ______________________________________
    >>> Impossible is not a fact, only an opinion

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