Re: Attempting to implement a "MATCH ALL VALUES" expression at the application level.

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Apr 18 2006 - 06:13:45 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Attempting to implement a "MATCH ALL VALUES" expression at the application level."

    On Apr 18, 2006, at 1:53 AM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:

    > select l1.* from letters l1, letters_digits ld1, digits d1, letters
    > l2, letters_digits ld1, digits d2 where
    > d1.value = '1' and ld1.digit_id = d1.digit_id and ld1.letter_id =
    > l1.letter_id
    > and
    > d2.value = '2' and ld2.digit_id = d2.digit_id and ld2.letter_id =
    > l2.letter_id

    The current limitation is due to the fact that Cayenne qualifier
    translator removes "duplicate" joins.

    If you want to take a shot at it and create a patch for the next
    major release, you'd have to introduce the "split" expression
    semantics as discussed in those messages that you've mentioned. Maybe
    use a pipe symbol at a place in the path where a split should start,
    like "|r1" or "r1.r2.|r3"?? Second thing to change is
    QueryAsembler.dbRelationshipAdded(..) method that removes
    "duplicates" to support the splits.

    There are a few more things to take care of to fully support splits,
    so this is certainly not a trivial change.

    I guess even if for now you stick with an in-memory solution or a
    SQLTemplate, the issue is worth putting on the "AFTER 1.2" Road Map.


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