Re: IllegalStateException in DataRowStore (thrown by LRUMap)

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Jun 19 2006 - 07:30:01 EDT

  • Next message: Arturo Perez: "Problem traversing relationships - need hint"

    On Jun 19, 2006, at 2:17 PM, Lothar Krenzien wrote:

    > The IllegalStateException occured (for me) only after synchronzied
    > all methods that uses the LRUMap and with Apache Commons 3.2.
    > After changed back to 3.1 I can't reproduce it. But as I mentioned
    > earlier I get lots (!) of NPE in LRU map.

    Yes, I am debugging the LRUMap NPE. I am not concerned with
    collections 3.2 at this point.

    > I posted the exception also in the apache commons group. So here's
    > there answer. As I understood it could be synchronizing problem or
    > a problem with immutable keys.

    But you are doing the synchronization already (you patched Cayenne,
    right?) and it still happens. And I am NOT using any extra
    synchronization and I can't reproduce it. Ideally I do not want to
    check in any "fixes" until I can consistently recreate the problem.

    Still shooting in the dark, but how about we do this - can you send
    me your DataMap (if you can without compromising the confidentiality
    of your work; in any event do not post it to Jira), indicating which
    entities change the most during the application normal execution
    (maybe a few typical commit SQL logs for commits that happen right
    before the errors start to show up). I want to see if there is
    anything "unusual" in the mapping that I should try in my own setup.

    > What I've just realized is that the DataContext is obtained like
    > this :
    > import org.objectstyle.cayenne.conf.ServletUtil.
    > ...
    > ServletUtil.getSessionContext(request.getSession());
    > In the user guide the following two methods are descriped:
    > BasicServletConfiguration.getDefaultContext(session);
    > DataContext.getThreadDataContext();
    > Could that cause any problems ?

    No, in fact user guide needs an update.


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