remote object persistence - client classes

From: Tomi NA (
Date: Wed Jul 05 2006 - 11:46:44 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: remote object persistence - client classes"

    It just occured to me that cayenne remote object persistence might be
    the key to a level of interoperability that I need in a very, very
    heterogenous environent (i.e. my office) where people use Java, .net
    and php, depending on the project, programmer and legacy code.
    Is there any special reason not to have a number of templates, each
    generating client code for a specific language, so that both Java
    programmers and .net programmers could use the same
    jetty/tomcat/whatever powered web service as a nice wrapper arround
    the database?
    Forgive me if I sound so 1999, but there still exist people like me
    who have never written a WS so I have to ask. :)


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