RE: Duplicate Key Problem

From: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\) ("Gentry,)
Date: Thu Jul 13 2006 - 11:44:23 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Duplicate Key Problem"

    The quickest way to test that I can think of is to be stepping through
    the PK generation code in the debugger and after you lock/select the
    PKs, use "mysqladmin kill" to kill your connection before the
    update/unlock. You can then try to access the auto_pk_support table
    from another app (or the mysql prompt) and see if it is still
    locked/etc. I might could use my CayenneExample (with a few tweaks) to
    test this in a bit.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Andrus Adamchik []
    Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 11:23 AM
    Subject: Re: Duplicate Key Problem

    On Jul 13, 2006, at 10:57 AM, Gentry, Michael ((Contractor)) wrote:

    > Is the PK cache per VM or per DataNode? I was thinking per DataNode
    > (obviously within the same VM, of course).

    True, more accurately it is one per DataNode, and is shared by all
    DataContexts that sit on top of a given DataDomain.

    > Another thing that could be tricky is that the MySQL JDBC connector
    > (Connector/J) has an autoReconnect=true option, which would catch a
    > disconnection before Cayenne could see it and reconnect. Not sure at
    > all what would happen to an in-progress transaction if that were the
    > case.

    Good point. But I am more concerned about runtime exceptions in the
    code that theoretically can cause a PK range to become invalid. One
    straightforward way to fix that is to apply the same approach we did
    for Sybase PK generator per CAY-588 (i.e. ensure that PK is generated
    outside of the main transaction. I guess that's what we'll have to
    do, but I want to have a way to reproduce the problem first, if only
    to know that our fix actually fixes it.


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