Am 13.07.2006 um 20:51 schrieb Gentry, Michael ((Contractor)):
> "The db has collected 3893813 connection attempts and 534 aborted
> clients
> since we restarted the db two days ago."
> A normal Cayenne application would generate very few connection
> attempts. 3.8 million in 2 days? That's 2700 connections/minute.
> That
> is a LOT. (My Tapestry-based application probably does 1-2
> connections/database per week, depending on load/etc.) I wonder if
> MySQL could be stuttering or having a few issues under that kind of
> load?
There are some other tasks running on that db that are not based on
Cayenne but instead use PHP. Just forget these numbers, I don't think
that they have something to do with the described problem. And the
uptime was a of course a wild guess by me ;-)
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