Re: table row count in cayenne

From: Marek Wawrzyczny (
Date: Fri Jul 28 2006 - 02:59:30 EDT

  • Next message: Rashid Khan: "Re: table row count in cayenne"

    Hi Rashid,

    The answer is yes... and I believe that the following code achieves that on
    both single and multi tier approaches (well it works on multi-tier client

    String entity = getContext().getEntityResolver().lookupObjEntity(
    HashMap map = new HashMap();
    map.put("entityName", entity);
    NamedQuery query = new NamedQuery("EntityCount", map);
    Map row = (Map) getContext().performQuery(query).get(0);
    return ((Number) row.get("C")).intValue();

    Then, in the modeller create the following Query, in this case it is
    called "EntityCount":

    SELECT #result('count(*)' 'int' 'C') FROM $entityName $whereClause

    Hope that helps,

    Marek Wawrzyczny

    On Friday 28 July 2006 16:44, Rashid Khan wrote:
    > Hello there,
    > I want to know what is the most efficient way in cayenne to find out
    > how many rows I have in a table.
    > Do I have to use something equivalent to the SQL statement: "SELECT
    > COUNT(*) FROM tablename"?
    > Thanks,
    > Rashid Khan

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