Hello there,
I am using cayenne-1.2 final release.
I am having a problem using Reengineer Database Schema option in the
Let's say I have a User table with columns (user_id, username, password). I
use Reengineer Database Schema to generate the db and object entities for
the User table. Everything works fine.
Now let's say I add a new column called 'user_description' to the User table
(ie. drop the existing user table and create a new user table with the
additional column). I want to generate the db entity again. So, I click on
Reengineer Database Schema and choose to overwrite existing User db entity,
the User *db* entity gets generated and replaces the old one. However, the
User *object* entity does not get replaced. Instead a new object entity
called *User1* is created.
What I would prefer is that I should be able to sync the old User object
enitity with the new User db entity. However, because of the generation of
*User1* object entity this does not seem to be possible. When I click on
"sync ObjEntity with DbEntity" in the *User* object entity I get
NullPointerException. Is there a way to tell cayenne modeler to generate
only db entity using Reengineer Database Schema and then sync the old object
entity with the new db entity?
I hope my question is clear.
Rashid Khan
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