Thank you for your fast reply (wow!! :-)
Yes the things are very basic and may be I am too
stupid (hopefully not, so that I will not waste your
time ...)
Mike Kienenberger, I tried it with
SimplePerson p =
and have the same problem...
Now, I will start a new SimplePerson "project" from
the scratch to figure out where the problem
comes from. Which database do you use?
Here is the generated source:
package test;
import org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneDataObject;
* A generated persistent class mapped as
"SimplePerson" Cayenne entity. It is a good idea to
* avoid changing this class manually, since it will
be overwritten next time code is
* regenerated. If you need to make any
customizations, put them in a subclass.
public class _SimplePerson extends CayenneDataObject {
public static final String MYINT_PROPERTY =
public static final String NAME_PROPERTY = "name";
protected Integer myint;
protected String name;
public Integer getMyint() {
if(objectContext != null) {
return myint;
public void setMyint(Integer myint) {
if(objectContext != null) {
Object oldValue = this.myint;
this.myint = myint;
// notify objectContext about simple property
if(objectContext != null) {
"myint", oldValue, myint);
public String getName() {
if(objectContext != null) {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
if(objectContext != null) {
Object oldValue =; = name;
// notify objectContext about simple property
if(objectContext != null) {
"name", oldValue, name);
package test;
/**A persistent class mapped as "SimplePerson" Cayenne
entity. */
public class SimplePerson extends _SimplePerson {
Bye, Peter.
PS: Another problem occured if I choose "generator
version = 1.1" in the class generator
dialog will be:
* A generated persistent class mapped as
"${}" Cayenne entity. It is a good idea
* avoid changing this class manually, since it will
be overwritten next time code is
* regenerated. If you need to make any
customizations, put them in a subclass.
public class ${entityUtils.superClassName} extends
${entityUtils.baseClassName} {
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