sorting and ordering pk field in memory

From: Zvonimir Spajic (
Date: Thu Aug 17 2006 - 10:11:07 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: sorting and ordering pk field in memory"


    is there a nice way to sort a List of Cayenne-Objects on o
    primary-key-field, e.g. "id" (pk) in memory, because the user can resort
    the existing list more than one time. I don't want to read it out from DB
    every time.
    This doesn't help:
            this.resultList = new ArrayList(this.resultList);
            Ordering ordering = new Ordering("id", true);
    In this example the ordering is not correct or will not be changed.

    Can anyone help with this...or have a better idea...

    Thank you

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