Re: DataContext synchronization bug ?

From: Bryan Lewis (
Date: Wed Aug 30 2006 - 09:46:05 EDT

  • Next message: Jonathan Bélisle: "Re: DataContext synchronization bug ?"

    I see what you're saying now. You're right, the call to localObject()
    doesn't copy the changes map for the object. Merely setting the
    persistenceState to MODIFIED won't cause a database commit, nor will a
    phantom change like setting an attribute to its current value. Cayenne
    will efficiently see that there are no real changes and will generate no
    SQL. I'd say the docs are a little misleading here... "you are
    responsible for setting correct persistence state" suggests that
    setPersistenceState() is a solution.

    I see a comment in

      "Current implementation still doesn't do a good job in merging data
    into dirty objects, but it is a start. Will see how it pans out."

    And there's this line in the source code:

      // TODO: Andrus, 1/24/2006 implement smart merge for modified objects...

    You could try entering a new issue in JIRA.

    Jonathan Bélisle wrote:
    > I printed the list of updated objects and my object is there with the
    > persistance state to MODIFIED.
    > And I am committing the right dataContext : dataContext2
    > Event then, committing one or the other data context should write the
    > changes to the database.

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