Re: How to use TransactionDelegate to do audit logging?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Oct 03 2006 - 13:04:17 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: How to use TransactionDelegate to do audit logging?"

    On Oct 3, 2006, at 12:31 PM, Mike Kienenberger wrote:

    > 1) These events are per-object and provide no reference to the current
    > persistent unit (DataContext). Your entity instance might get events
    > from all persistent units committing a change. You won't know what
    > persistent unit to append new audit log inserts.

    True - in Cayenne you'd simply do [this|object].getObjectContext()...
    In JPA you'd have use threadlocals.

    > 2) Because they are per-event, there is a much greater performance hit
    > -- several callbacks per entity instance.

    Since you can register listeners for a single event type, this is not
    as bad as it looks (there won't be many noop calls).

    > If you need both old
    > values and new values, you will have to monitor both the pre- and
    > post- events.


    > 3) JPA states that no queries can be executed at this point. So if
    > you want to create audit logs in the same transaction, you'll have to
    > figure out a way to delay those inserts until after the current commit
    > finishes but before the transaction commits.

    In Cayenne I would still use a separate peer DataContext to commit
    changes from within callbacks. And use explicit transactions so that
    multiple DataContexts commit atomically.

    > 4) JPA states that a new+update event and an update+delete event may
    > not execute the update event listener.

    I used Cayenne callbacks on two different projects, and I actually
    find this behavior to be a good thing.


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