This is from the hip - so add salt ..
but how about sort descending and use a fetchLimit = 1
(does that make sense?)
ok - thanks,
On Oct 27, 2006, at 04:20 , Gary Jarrel wrote:
> Hey All!
> Just looking for some advice on getting the last record out of a
> table, hoping for the most efficient solution.
> For example user table has a open to many into a login_history table,
> when a user logs in I want to get the last record out of a
> login_history table based on the login_date field for this particular
> user. I'm trying to avoid getting the entire login history into a
> list, and then retrieving the last record in this list (sorted
> ofcourse)
> Any best practices under Cayenne?
> Thanks in advance.
> Gary
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