Yeah, we embraced your expression ideas, just never got around to
implementing them :-) You may have seen other recent discussions
between Mike K. and myself on how to better do the splits and how to
combine this with similar JPA API (EJBQL).
(IIRC there was a follow up thread that I can't find now)
Would be cool to work with you on this stuff, if and when your
situation permits.
On Oct 26, 2006, at 9:17 AM, Giulio Cesare Solaroli wrote:
> Hi all,
> today I was looking through the cayenne mailing list archives to look
> for the best way to implement "select max(<column>) from <table>"
> style queries and I have stumbled upon on old thread of mine with
> Andrus:
> -
> 2003/09/0095.html
> To my great pleasure, I have later found that some of the ideas
> discussed so long ago are still relevant and also included in the road
> map for the 3.0 release
> -
> Now this messagge just to let you know that even if the mean while I
> have changed email address, company I work for (calling the current
> project - - a "company" is a bit of an
> overstatement, but let me enjoy it while it last), alway got a full
> schedule (now even fuller due to a second boy running at home), I am
> still very interested on the evolution of the Cayenne expression
> module.
> I don't know how much code I could really contribute to the project,
> but I really would be very pleased to stay inside the loop of the
> discussion about this particular feature.
> I would also like to congratulate all the Cayenne commiters, and
> specially Andrus, for the huge achievents this project has achieved.
> Ciao,
> Giulio Cesare
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