Re: Cayenne junit testing, Was: Cayenne 3.0 roadmap

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Oct 30 2006 - 09:33:06 EST

  • Next message: Watkins, Garry: "Is there an awakeFromInsertion equivalent in cayenne?"

    Current default Cayenne unit tests are probably a bad model, as most
    bootstrap code was written before Cayenne was even operational.
    However the new Maven-based integration test package that targets
    testing of POJO's is the state of the art as far as I am concerned
    (can be used from Ant as well of course):

    You can mirror this approach:

    * generated entity classes are placed in the "main" source folder
    * test cases a placed in the "test" source folder
    * a common superclass of all test cases performs shared stack
    initialization and creates the schema from Cayenne mapping (or from a
    manual SQL script - whichever applies)
    * ItestDBUtils is used to perform raw DB operations bypassing Cayenne
    (this is still work in progress - more utility methods can be added):


    On Oct 30, 2006, at 4:09 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
    > On 30/10/2006, at 7:20 PM, Giulio Cesare Solaroli wrote:
    >> Now, for the project I am working at, I need to find out how to do DB
    >> based test the Cayenne way. Once I have struggled to set up a sound
    >> test environment, playing with the new expression package should be
    >> much easier.
    > Yes, we at ish have many times marveled at the junit tests in
    > Cayenne. And not really understood them. We've long wanted to do
    > something similar in our application and might return to it in the
    > future when we have time. It would be great to document this
    > process and possibly create a framework to make this easier. I
    > wonder if a suitable framework might be build inside Cayenne itself.
    > Ari Maniatis
    > -------------------------->
    > ish
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