Capturing DataContextEvent or GraphEvent

From: edward pedersson (
Date: Mon Oct 30 2006 - 16:10:49 EST

  • Next message: Watkins, Garry: "Re: Is there an awakeFromInsertion equivalent in cayenne?"


    I am trying to capture the a rollback event from the dataContext and I have
    tried variation of the code below but nothing seems to work. My event
    handlers never get called. I would have used the DataObject jandlers but
    they don't support rollBack.

    Can anyone see what I am doing wrong? Many thnaks for your help.

    public class SomeDataObject() extends MyDataObject {

      public static DataContextTransactionEventListener
    dataContextTransactionListener = new DataContextTransactionEventListener() {
            public void dataContextDidCommit(DataContextEvent event) {
              System.out.println("*** xxSomething changed! DID_COMMIT ***");
            public void dataContextDidRollback(DataContextEvent event) {
                  System.out.println("*** xxSomething changed! ROLLEDBACK ***");
            public void dataContextWillCommit(DataContextEvent event) {
                  System.out.println("*** xxSomething changed! WILL_COMMIT

        public static DataChannelListener dataChannelListener = new
    DataChannelListener() {
            public void graphChanged(GraphEvent event) {
              System.out.println("*** Something changed! DID_COMMIT ***");
            public void graphFlushed(GraphEvent event) {
                  System.out.println("*** Something changed! ROLLEDBACK ***");
            public void graphRolledback(GraphEvent event) {
                  System.out.println("*** Something changed! WILL_COMMIT ***");

        public void fetchFinished() {

            System.out.println("*** FETCH FINISHED! ***" + this.toString());

    // this.getDataContext() is DataContext.getThreadedContext()




    DataContextEvent.class,DataContext.DID_ROLLBACK, null);

    ....more methods


    -- e

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