Re: Docs and some questions

From: Tore Halset (
Date: Sun Nov 12 2006 - 09:23:52 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Nested data context problems"

    On Nov 12, 2006, at 02:25, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

    > Anyhow, although we haven't done this yet, we would be very
    > interested in collaborating on any work to tie jgroups into
    > Cayenne. Since we use Jetty already, and there is some integration
    > between jgroups and Jetty mentioned, perhaps this will be even easier.

    I do think that jgroups is that good for client-server communication
    as it is based on IP multicast.

    > * a further step would be to add a piece of metadata to a Cayenne
    > persistent object in order to record its current lock state.
    > Changes to this state would need to be propagated between all
    > clients in an atomic way.

    I do not know if it is relevant, but I recently created a distributed
    Lock for our system. It stores the lock state in the database and
    uses cayenne optimistic locking to make sure another cayenne instance
    does not get the lock at the same time. We do not have that many
    locks, only a few to make sure some scheduled jobs only run at a
    single node at any given time. The most difficult issue to solve is
    how to make sure locks are unlocked. Some sort of timeout is probably
    the most secure way to do this. I have implemented this as a subset
    of java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock.

    This could be extended to support locking for cayenne persistent
    objects. You could use a string version of the ObjectId as a primary
    key, a int for the lock state and a timestamp. And some additional
    fields for things like username and client ip-number.

    Lock l = CayenneLocker.getLock(myObject.getObjectId(), timeoutvalue?);
       try {
         // do stuff
       } finally {
    } else {
       // handle the fact that you could not get the lock

    So it is up to the client developer, not cayenne, to make sure that
    doing the stuff that need a lock are only done if he has a lock for
    the given object.

      * CayenneLocker should use a separate DataContext and cache as
    little as possible. I set persistence state to HOLLOW before checking
      * getLock() should check for timeout and clear timed out locks
      * Use cayenne optimistic locking for the lock state, username and
    client ip-number.
      * tryLock() return false if the lock is already locked or the lock-
    commit throws an OptimisticLockingException

      - Tore.

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