Re: Re: [OT] Visual Paradigm

From: Tomi NA (
Date: Sat Nov 18 2006 - 05:30:51 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: flattened relationship updating"

    2006/11/18, Michael Gentry <>:
    > I wasn't trying to disparage the graphical tools. They certainly have
    > value. For the schema I work on, though, you'd need 2 30" monitors
    > (and I only have a 17") to hold just a fraction of the schema in a
    > graphical representation, so it doesn't work too well for me. Even
    > when printed out from within another tool using large plotter paper,
    > it is hard to find things (I don't grep on paper very well). Speaking
    > of grep, I wonder if I ever opened that ticket to add a find function
    > in the me that would be useful (and much easier to add).
    > Thanks!

    Actually, I regularly find I'm only interested in a small part of the
    model which is best found the way you described it - with a search. A
    find-as-you-type style of navigation in a model consisting of dozens
    or hundreds of tables would be even better to switch from table to
    Viewing tables at a specified number of hops from a selected table
    would also be of great use: you simply ignore everything outside of
    your point of interest.


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