Re: Re: Represesntation of database NULL as something else than Java null pointer

From: Øyvind Harboe (
Date: Fri Dec 15 2006 - 08:58:13 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: AW: objectFromDataRow with refresh"

    On 12/15/06, Michael Gentry <> wrote:
    > The NPEs from OGNL strings (like "") are more of an OGNL
    > issue than a Cayenne issue. At least in my opinion.

    Actually we're trying to move away from OGNL because it breaks
    refactoring. The fact that Spindle died didn't help. In some ways I'd
    like Java to be *editable*(presented, but not embedded Java) from
    within the HTML templates, instead of having OGNL expressions. While
    not editing presented Java from within HTML templates, I'd like
    something like OGNL expressions to be rendered.

    With OGNL gone, the NPE problem remains and this puts the problem back
    into Cayenne+Java land. Do a search on NPE & NullPointerException in
    Eclipse's bugzilla. You'll be amazed how many hits you get. NPE is a
    Java problem that Cayenne is being hit by, though I believe it would
    be possible(although quite difficult) for Cayenne to come with some
    NPE painkillers

    We solved the Tapestry + OGNL + Cayenne NPE problem by introducing a
    @SafeInsert component where we output an empty string for any
    exceptions. Our underlying database is beyond repair and we get all
    sorts of exceptions. We'll design a brand new database model + convert
    from the old schema once our new app has been deployed to all

    Øyvind Harboe

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