A bug perhaps?

From: Gary Jarrel (garyjarre..mail.com)
Date: Tue Dec 26 2006 - 04:25:20 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: A bug perhaps?"

    Hi All!

    Just came across some interesting behavior while creating Raw Select
    Queries in the modeler.

    If my query looks like:

    SELECT #result('count(*)' 'int' 'RECORDCOUNT')
    FROM message JOIN user ON message.client_id = user.client_id
    WHERE message.inbound = #bind($inboundStatus)
        AND user.client_id = #bind($userID)

    I get a SQLException as the new line character from the first to
    second line is ignored and the SQL in the log looks like:

    SELECT count(*) AS RECORDCOUNTFROM message JOIN user ON
    message.client_id = user.client_id
    WHERE message.inbound = ? AND user.client_id = ?]

    However if I restructure the query in the modeler to:

    SELECT #result('count(*)' 'int' 'RECORDCOUNT') FROM message JOIN user
    ON message.client_id = user.client_id
    WHERE message.inbound = #bind($inboundStatus)
        AND user.client_id = #bind($userID)

    i.e SELECT and FROM on the same line with a space before FROM, all is well?

    Anyone else come across this?



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