I just started playing a bit with Cayenne to find out how things work.
Therefore I created a database (HSQL) with a single table and in the
CayenneModeler set "Primary Key Generation Strategy" to
"Database-Generated" and the "Auto Increment" field to "ID (INTEGER)"
which is the column defined as Primary Key at the attributes tab.
However when I try to insert a row in my test program I get an exception
because I don't have an AUTO_PK_SUPPORT table in my database. But as far
as I understand I don't not need this table if primary keys are
generated by the database itself. Is there something else I have to
configure to not need to have that table (It works fine if I create that
table via "Generate Database Schema" but I would prefer to have the
database doing that primary key stuff. Or is there any reason that it is
better to use AUTO_PK_SUPPORT)?
Thanx for help.
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