Re: Stored procedure question ?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue May 15 2007 - 08:22:46 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: OutOfMemoryError: reading a large number of objects one by one"

    > Is it a problem from the modeler?

    Per SQLServer docs:

    "Every SQL Server stored procedure has a return value parameter
    (whether it is explicitly used or not)" which is called
    @return_value. I suspect that JDBC blows on implicit mapped
    @return_value. We can probably do something smarter about reverse
    engineering of SQLServer procedures to account for that (like
    removing an implicit return). Would you mind opening an improvement
    request in Jira?

    > The exception:
    > Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Operand type clash: int is
    > incompatible with cursor
    > ...

    I am not sure about this handling a refcursor OUT parameter - I need
    to try it for myself to be able to comment intelligently.
    Unfortunately I don't have time to look at it now either :-( For now
    you can try the same trick with removing the return value?


    On May 15, 2007, at 10:53 AM, Marc Gabriel-Willem wrote:

    > Hello,
    > I removed the first parameter and the "returningValue" flag ... and
    > indeed it is working properly. I'm really surprised because I used the
    > "reengineer database schema" function to create the mapping file.
    > Is it a problem from the modeler?
    > I've another question for you.
    > In MS sqlserver, we have the following stored procedure:
    > CREATE procedure [dbo].[spTestGet2]..s_cursor CURSOR VARYING OUTPUT
    > AS
    > SET ..s_cursor = CURSOR FOR select id, data, lastupdate, description
    > from tTest
    > OPEN..s_cursor
    > GO
    > Following mapping has been done using the modeler:
    > <procedure name="spTestGet2" schema="dbo" catalog="spp"
    > returningValue="true">
    > <procedure-parameter name=..ETURN_VALUE" type="INTEGER"
    > length="4"/>
    > <procedure-parameter name=..s_cursor" type="INTEGER"
    > length="4" direction="in_out"/>
    > </procedure>
    > By the way, for the ..eturn_value", I've the following warning:
    > missing
    > direction.
    > I removed the first parameter in order to fix that warning.
    > Nevertheless, the performGenericQuery function throws an exception:
    > ...
    > ProcedureQuery query = new ProcedureQuery("spTestGet2");
    > QueryResponse result = context.performGenericQuery(query);
    > ...
    > The exception:
    > Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Operand type clash: int is
    > incompatible with cursor
    > ...
    > For information, I'm using the "JTDS 1.2" driver.
    > Thank you for your help.
    > Regards,
    > Marc
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Andrus Adamchik []
    > Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 4:04 PM
    > To:
    > Subject: Re: Stored procedure question ?
    > This doesn't make sense to me either. So what happens of you remove
    > the first parameter and set "returningValue" to false?
    > Andrus
    > On May 14, 2007, at 4:58 PM, Marc Gabriel-Willem wrote:
    >> <procedure name="spViewCustomer" schema="dbo" returningValue="true">
    >> <procedure-parameter name="returnValue" type="INTEGER"
    >> direction="in"/>
    >> <procedure-parameter name="id" type="INTEGER" direction="in"/>
    >> <procedure-parameter name="user" type="VARCHAR" length="25"
    >> direction="in"/>
    >> </procedure>
    >> ...
    >> I've no problem with the "id" and "user" parameters. But I really
    >> do not
    >> understand why I have to set my "returnValue" as INTEGER with the
    >> direction "IN"... I tried with other options but without any success.

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