Re: Mapping to Mysql TEXT type

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed May 30 2007 - 05:20:07 EDT

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    On May 29, 2007, at 8:10 PM, Fredrik Liden wrote:

    > If I want to use the Mysql TEXT datatype, how should I go about
    > specifying that in the modeler? Should I use "Other" and then manually
    > change it to TEXT in the database? Or should I use "Varchar" and
    > set the
    > maximum string length to be something more in line with real TEXT
    > length?
    > Thanks!
    > Fredrik

    Cayenne modeler DB types are the types from JDBC spec. So technically
    TEXT corresponds to CLOB. In practice I think both CLOB and VARCHAR
    should work.

    Hope this helps.


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