Cayenne strips DISTINCT if the ResultSet contains one of the
following columns (since most databases will not tolerate combination
of DISTINCT and those types) : Types.BLOB, Types.CLOB,
> Or is there a memory-based distinction?
Absolutely right - if DISTINCT was requested, but Cayenne had to
strip it from the generated SQL, it would do an in memory removal of
duplicates based on ObjectId comparison:
On Aug 2, 2007, at 6:17 PM, Jan Lendholt wrote:
> Hey all, it's me again.
> i tried to set up a statement like this:
> SelectQuery q_catering = new SelectQuery
> (ServiceKundeLocation.class, ExpressionFactory.matchExp
> (ServiceKundeLocation.LID_PROPERTY, buchung.getToEvent().getLid()));
> q_catering.setDistinct(true);
> List caterings = Application.getApp().getContext().performQuery
> (q_catering);
> Instead of getting a DISTINCT operator in the executed sql it is
> msssing.
> Is there a special trick to activate the distinct clause? Or is
> there a memory-based distinction?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jan
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