Re: questions about reflection

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Aug 05 2007 - 06:15:37 EDT

  • Next message: Jens Mayer: "Problem with SQLTemplate and Date-binding"

    Hi there,

    Runtime access to the mapping metadata is done via EntityResolver [1]:

    DataContext context = ...
    EntityResolver resolver = context.getEntityResolver();

    EntityResiolver contains information about ObjEntities (java
    classes), DbEntities (DB tables) and the mapping between them.

    Hope this helps.


    On Aug 5, 2007, at 12:43 PM, Jean-François Smigielski wrote:

    > Hello, list!
    > I use cayenne in a brand new project, a text-based online RPG. I
    > refactor
    > from scratch an old RPG written in PHP/MySQL. I discovered cayenne
    > a few
    > days ago. After spending some time to test it, it will be my final
    > choice
    > (thanks a lot for your work, cayenne is *really* easy to use).
    > That's it for
    > the context of my question :)
    > I try to write a JSP that proposes a low-level administration of the
    > persistent objects. I would be able to:
    > 1. discover the class of the persistent objects
    > 2. discover their properties
    > 3. allow setting and getting these properties
    > I am not yet able to discover the classes, I still have to feed
    > them by
    > hand. It would be easy if I had access to the XML map, but I didn't
    > find yet
    > the right utility class.
    > To discover the properties, I used the name convention of the modeler,
    > naming the properties with the suffix "_PROPERTY". And to get and
    > set these
    > properties, I retrieve the value of the fields ending with
    > "_PROPERTY" and I
    > call readProperty/writeProperty with this value.
    > I am sure there exists better ways to achieve this. Better and more
    > robust.
    > Please, can you tell me useful hints, or helpful URL, or even code
    > samples
    > that could help me?
    > Thank you.
    > JFS.

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