Re: Strange Oracle Connection Issue

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Aug 23 2007 - 14:02:06 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: objectForPk refetch"

    I just did a quick test with Oracle 10.2 on Linux. Both variants of
    the URL work. But since the one with slashes seems to be the future,
    I updated 3.0 Modeler to suggest it by default.


    On Aug 21, 2007, at 9:35 PM, Michael Lepine wrote:

    > I did figure out the reason for this issue. It was the JDBC URL.
    > From what
    > I've read, it appears that the supported format for the JDBC URL in
    > Oracle
    > 10g is slightly different than with previous versions.
    > urls.htm#BEIDHCBA
    > The old format (one generated by Cayenne 2.x):
    > jdbc:oracle:thin..ocalhost:1521:orcl
    > new format (notice the inserted slashes especially between the port
    > and
    > service name):
    > jdbc:oracle:thin../localhost:1521/orcl
    > The new format works for me.
    > The odd thing is that my tests against other 10g database instances
    > (both on
    > Windows and Solaris) worked fine with the older format. I'm really
    > not sure
    > what the underlying reason is, but this is how I got around it.
    > Thanks to everyone for their responses.
    > On 8/20/07, Mike Kienenberger <> wrote:
    >> I'm no expert, so I'm probably not the best person to ask, but here's
    >> some things that come to mind:
    >> 1) Using a different driver in Cayenne config.
    >> 2) Using a different path (or maybe home directory) for Cayenne
    >> config.
    >> 3) Using a different driver url for Cayenne config.
    >> On 8/20/07, Michael Lepine <> wrote:
    >>> My assumption was that this had been created, but I am trying to
    >>> verify
    >>> this. I do not have full control over this Solaris environment which
    >> adds to
    >>> the fun.
    >>> The issue I'm having a hard time understanding is why a
    >>> connection is
    >> made
    >>> successfully in my Java test code (via a homegrown connection
    >>> polling
    >>> mechanism), but Cayenne cannot connect to the same database. It
    >>> seems
    >> like
    >>> these should either both work or both fail.
    >>> On 8/20/07, Mike Kienenberger <> wrote:
    >>>> Your windows box has a configured tnsnames.ora file somewhere,
    >>>> probably somewhere like
    >>>> \Oracle\product\10.1.0\Client_1\network\ADMIN\tnsnames.ora.
    >>>> You probably need to configure the same file on your Solaris box.
    >>>> Either that or use the fully-qualified domain name to your
    >>>> server (and
    >>>> you still might have issues).
    >>>> On 8/20/07, Michael Lepine <> wrote:
    >>>>> Hello all, I am running into a perplexing issue. I am trying to
    >>>>> run
    >> an
    >>>>> application I've written (using Cayenne) on a Solaris 10 box and
    >> keep
    >>>>> getting connection errors. During development, I modified the
    >> Cayenne
    >>>>> driver.xml file many times with different database connection
    >> parameters
    >>>> and
    >>>>> have never had a problem until now. The app was tested on Windows
    >> and
    >>>> this
    >>>>> is the first time it's being run on Solaris. The database
    >>>>> version is
    >>>> Oracle
    >>>>> 10g and the error is:
    >>>>> ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in
    >> connect
    >>>>> descriptor
    >>>>> (I've pasted a more detailed stacktrace with the error below.)
    >>>>> This is odd because I am using the same service_name/sid, host and
    >> port
    >>>> data
    >>>>> to connect to the database via TOAD. I have also tested the
    >> connection
    >>>> by
    >>>>> creating another (Java) connection pool with the same connection
    >>>> parameters.
    >>>>> I even changed the connection parameters to reference another
    >> database
    >>>> that
    >>>>> I've connected to as well and get the same error.
    >>>>> So, I'm at a loss and hope that somebody out there has some ideas.
    >>>> Thanks
    >>>>> for any help.
    >>>>> The error I'm seeing is:
    >>>>> [java] ERROR [Thread-3] - [v.2.0.3 May 6 2007] Error
    >>>>> detecting
    >>>> database
    >>>>> type
    >>>>> [java] org.apache.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException: [v.
    >>>>> 2.0.3 May
    >> 6
    >>>> 2007]
    >>>>> Error detecting database type
    >>>>> [java] at org.apache.cayenne.dba.AutoAdapter.loadAdapter(
    >>>>> [java] at org.apache.cayenne.dba.AutoAdapter.getAdapter(
    >>>>> [java] at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.dba.AutoAdapter.getExtendedTypes(
    >>>>> [java] at
    >>>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataNode.performQueries
    >> (
    >>>>> [java] at
    >>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataDomainQueryAction.runQuery(
    >>>>> [java] at
    >>>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataDomainQueryAction.access$000(
    >>>>> [java] at
    >>>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataDomainQueryAction$1.transform(
    >>>>> [java] at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataDomain.runInTransaction
    >>>> (
    >>>>> [java] at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataDomainQueryAction.runQueryInTransaction
    >> (
    >>>>> [java] at
    >>>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataDomainQueryAction.interceptOIDQuery(
    >>>>> [java] at
    >>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataDomainQueryAction.execute(
    >>>>> [java] at org.apache.cayenne.access.DataDomain.onQuery(
    >>>>> [java] at
    >>>> org.apache.cayenne.util.ObjectContextQueryAction.runQuery
    >>>>> (
    >>>>> [java] at
    >>>> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContextQueryAction.execute(
    >>>>> [java] at org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext.onQuery(
    >>>>> [java] at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContext.performQuery(
    >>>>> [java] at
    >>>>> org.apache.cayenne.DataObjectUtils.objectForQuery
    >> (
    >>>>> [java] at org.apache.cayenne.DataObjectUtils.objectForPK(
    >>>>> [java] at org.apache.cayenne.DataObjectUtils.objectForPK(
    >>>>> [java] at
    >> com.goperiscope.dataaccess.cayenne.CayennePersistenceManager.findObje
    >> ct(
    >>>>> [java] at
    >> com.goperiscope.dao.ProcessStatusCodes.getInstance(
    >>>>> [java] at
    >>>>> com.goperiscope.alaska.SynchronizationProcess.createSynchJob(
    >>>>> [java] at
    >> com.goperiscope.alaska.SynchronizationProcess.execute
    >>>> (
    >>>>> [java] at com.wsc.process.Process.runProcess(
    >> :176)
    >>>>> [java] at com.wsc.process.Process$
    >>>>> [java] at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
    >>>>> [java] at
    >>>>> Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Listener refused the connection
    >> with
    >>>> the
    >>>>> following error:
    >>>>> [java] ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID
    >> given
    >>>> in
    >>>>> connect descriptor

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