Re: Pointers for JPA integration tutorial

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sat Aug 25 2007 - 16:57:45 EDT

  • Next message: "RE: Pointers for JPA integration tutorial"

    Hi Shannon,

    the reason for the absent tutorial is that the JPA provider is still
    work in progress, and we need to plug a few holes in the provider
    before it can be considered Alpha and ready for experimentation. But
    I decided to write one anyways :-)

    See the README.txt file inside the archive for details. Unlike other
    Cayenne tutorials it doesn't have a Modeler in the picture (following
    JPA philosophy of modeling persistence straight in the code via
    annotations). So you'd have to run the schema generation script via
    "ij" Derby tool (see README.txt again), and then fire up the app from
    Eclipse. Also note that the tutorial includes the latest Cayenne
    build from trunk which, compared to 3.0M1, has *much* more capable
    EJBQL engine and also fixes a bunch of bugs.

    Now the holes I mentioned above. The main one that I can think of
    right now is an enhancer bug that prevents relationships use (doh!
    that's a big one). I guess once that's fixed, we can declare the
    provider to be in the usable alpha state.


    On Aug 24, 2007, at 11:09 PM, wrote:

    > Hi all,
    > I am new to both Cayenne and the JPA and trying to get a basic test
    > running with Cayenne 3.0M and Derby. I have worked through the
    > Cayenne
    > tutorial in the quick start, but it does not have any info on how to
    > model, generate Objects and then work with the JPA. I was hoping
    > someone could point me at a little tutorial or some demo code that
    > would
    > help me get started.
    > Thanks,
    > Shannon

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