Java/Cayenne Compatible Business Rules Language: Suggestions? Velocity? (CRM Application)

From: Eric Lazarus (
Date: Fri Oct 05 2007 - 11:13:15 EDT

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: Java/Cayenne Compatible Business Rules Language: Suggestions? Velocity? (CRM Application)"


    First, let me thank you developers - Cayenne saves my rear everyday and I could not be more grateful.

    I have a CRM application built on top of Cayenne (works great!) where deals move though a work flow. We are using a version of Jboss' jBPM work flow engine where we use lots of BeanShell scripts in the XML work flow document to represent both conditions as well as actions. It took us a while to get it integrated but it does work for us pretty well.

    I am thinking that in addition (or perhaps someday instead of) the work flow engine, we should have work flow “rules” so that an administrative user at the client site could add actions to the work flow without having to understand the complex semantics and syntax of jBPM.

    Can anyone suggest a rule system which would make adding actions to my system a sort of “user serviceable part?”

    I do not need prolog-like backward chaining or OPS5-like forward chaining. I just need a very simple syntax for asking questions about my DEAL and objects that are referenced by my DEAL, i.e., :

    If (deal.seller.getAge() < 18) and (deal.getOverride() < 27)
    then deal.getRepresentative().sendDoListItem(“Handle age issue!”)

    I could use bean shell scripts. I could use the java version of python, I suppose. I was hoping that there is a biz rule language that I could use and that, ideally, someone has seen work well with Cayenne objects. Ideally I would like something open source/free and/or very cheap. We have budget constraints.

    Do folks think I would be wise to use Velocity for this? See:

    Is there a vb like language that I could use that could access my Cayenne objects, invoke methods on them?

    PLEASE do not get hung up in the word RULES. Really these could be thought of as like triggers for biz policies that it makes sense for end-users to edit, at least admin end users.

    Ever used a sales force tool like goldmine? These tools have an extension language to handle automation and reminders. Something like that!



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