Re: Cayenne Modeler Question

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Oct 17 2007 - 02:59:02 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: DataRowStore.sendUpdateNotification NullPointerException"

    Hi Dov,

    Some objects in cayenne.xml and *.map.xml support a <property> child
    tag, so standard XML format is almost suitable for what you are
    looking for. Also there is an often-requested and a long-standing
    issue [1] to implement support for arbitrary properties for all
    mapped objects in the Modeler and runtime. Would be nice if your work
    would advance this task as well. (and we need to address it at some
    point, I am really embarrassed that we haven't yet).

    > Does the Cayenne Modeler have any documentation on where I might
    > change
    > things or add new functionality.

    Not really. But I think it won't be too hard to find your way around.
    Please ask questions on the dev list about specific things you want
    to do, and somebody should be able to point you in the right direction.



    On Oct 17, 2007, at 4:11 AM, Dov Rosenberg wrote:
    > I am interested in perhaps using the Cayenne Modeler to do some
    > additional
    > tasks. Specifically I was interested in adding in some additional
    > data into
    > the cayenne.xml or *.map.xml files for our own usage (like indexes,
    > constraints, comments and potentially other stuff specific to our
    > application). I would like to add my own code generators to be able to
    > generate other config and documentation files as well.
    > Does the Cayenne Modeler have any documentation on where I might
    > change
    > things or add new functionality. I don’t think my changes would be of
    > interest to the general public (maybe)
    > Thanks in advance
    > Dov Rosenberg

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