auto-prefetch in a toMany?

From: Tore Halset (
Date: Mon Oct 22 2007 - 07:26:34 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: auto-prefetch in a toMany?"


    We have a to-many relationship that is used all over the application.
    Each time someone goes over that to-many relationship they want to
    take a look at the next to-many relationship as well.

    A <-->> B <-->> C

    To make this faster, I want to prefetch the relationship from B to C
    each time someone goes from A to B.

    Is this possible by just overriding A.getBs() without loosing the
    positive sides of faulting? I think I want the ToManyList to use
    prefetches in its underlying SelectQuery.

      - Tore.

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