Issuing a debug SQL statement for a given transaction

From: Giulio Cesare Solaroli (
Date: Wed Oct 24 2007 - 16:04:56 EDT

  • Next message: Gilberto C Andrade: "Cayenne POJO enhancer"


    I am still fighting with the very slow deletion problem I had a few
    weeks ago. Now I probably have understood what is causing it.

    I have defined most, if not all the constraints in my db schema as

    In Postgres (but probably also in other DB), this causes the firing of
    all the constraint triggers upon commit, making very difficult to
    track which one is being too slow.

    In order to debug this issue, Postgres can override all the
    constraints attributes using the statement SET CONSTRAINTS ALL

    How can I issue this command on the transaction where I am
    experiencing the slow down?

    Thanks for your attention.

    Best regards,

    Giulio Cesare

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